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Wednesday 26th August 2009
11:25 am U.K.

[email protected]

I have just been given a 'Grundig System Video 2000 (2x4)

There is one tape in it.

I notice when I pull back the top plastic cover on the tape I do not see any tape going over the brass rollers...is this normal.

When I place the tape in the machine I hear a flapping wing noise and then a sudden motor whirl down and then silence.

When I try to play the tape I hear the same noises.Taking the top cover off the actual tape playing area has another steel cover over it so I can not see what is happening.

Any ideas?

Cheers Jim


Sunday 30th August 2009
6:20 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have just listed two V2000 VCRs on ebay. One is an example of the first Grundig 2x4, and the other is a Grundig 2x4 Super. Full details are on the item listings.

Tuesday 13th October 2009
6:31 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hello!I just bought a Radiola 20VR23 V2000 VCR, the French equivalent to the Philips VR2023. But when I plug it in, it goes fast forward for some seconds. During that, no button responds, no fonction is available. Then it goes in standby mode and a little dot lights up in the bottom-right corner of the band counter. No fonction is still available. I cannot even set the clock. Help me please! Thank you in advance.

Saturday 14th November 2009
10:58 am U.K.

[email protected]


I'm auctioning a fully working Philips N1501 on Ebay in excellent condition, please take a look if that's of interest, item number 300366765292

It's quite unusual to find an N1501 model in any condition nowadays, so thought some fellow collectors reading this page might like to hear about it.

Best wishes


Michael Farmer
Sunday 15th November 2009
2:40 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hello. Probably the only time on here.... Have been keeping my Grundig 2x4 Super and 2 dozen tapes for many years. Always intended to copy good stuff such as Beat Club from German TV, and some other music I recorded in late 80s.Unfortunately, now I have finally decided to do this, the set lasted about 30 minutes, when it suddenly started belching acrid grey smoke....! RIP. So - Does anyone want the tapes? Mostly bought new by myself and only used for personal TV recording. Mainly BASF 480s. Although I did aquire some 2nd hand Grundigs. I m sure the BASFs would still record fine. Don t want anything for them, although if anyone who wants them could do me a favour.....? One of the tapes featured Heartbeat - A charity music concert from 86. I was watching that when it went up in smoke. I d love to have a copy of that. Anyway, tapes are free, but must be collected from Stourbridge, which is near Dudley - West Midlands. Anyone interested, please mail me.Regards,Mick farmer

Marie Howles
Tuesday 17th November 2009
8:49 am U.K.

[email protected]

Please help...

I've been trying to repair my old Philips N1502 video recorder since I have some tapes I'd like to play.

Does anyone have one of these VCRs, in any condition, that I could perhaps buy and repair or just use as spare parts for my own machine?

Thanks in advance


paul Shuttleworth
Sunday 22nd November 2009
12:33 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hi folks, been a while since I last posted on this thread,

Does anyone have a spare remote kit for a Vr2020 or similar? I'm just getting annoyed having to get up..


Stefan adamsson
Tuesday 24th November 2009
12:16 pm U.K.

[email protected]

HelloI have one GRUNDIG SYSTEM 2000 2X4plus for salethere is also a tape in it..

Tuesday 1st December 2009
4:16 am U.K.

[email protected]

Message for Philips 1500 VCR users.

There is a user group on Yahoo which may help.

Sunday 13th December 2009
11:44 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hello i m looking for a Video 2000 Machine (in sweden) In Working condition. For copy over my old tapes.

Tuesday 15th December 2009
8:19 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hi, I have a Radiola 20VR22 V2000 videotape (Philips 2022 version) from a vintage electronics collection, for sale. Actually doesn t works properly because don t play videotapes and when switch on starts rewind or stay with hour display blinks. If your are interested I can send photos by e-mail ([email protected]). This equipment is in Spain and works with 220V.

Tuesday 29th December 2009
12:15 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Does anyone have a V2000 Video Tape Recorder that actually works or more specifically will Play Back VCC480 & 360 Tapes so I can copy old content to DVD so I can watch them.All stuff was recoded on a Grundig Video 2x4 Super during the late 80's, which packed up a long ago and when no one could repair it I threw it away. I now have 80+ Tapes and no means of playing them.

Ken hansell
Sunday 10th January 2010
3:15 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi An interesting site.I have a Phillips VR2022 recorder/player with a few tapes. When I last tried using it about 10 yearsago I am sure the video head has failed although all else worked then {picture broken up both play and record. } Can you get replacement heads? or is anybody interested in purchasing this. Must say it is very heavy so I expect postage will be high.

Wednesday 13th January 2010
5:56 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi, I have two brand new BASF VCC-480 tapes, i.e. 2 X 240min. in original shrink wrapping. Is anyone interested. Best Regards Iain

André Coutanche
Thursday 14th January 2010
12:46 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Free to collector! Grundig 2x4Super machine (looks like www.oldtechnology.net/images/grundig2x4super.jpg ). Half a dozen tapes and the add-on box which allowed it to be controlled via a Grundig TV remote (but not remote control itself).

It's been up in the loft for decades but had to come down when we had new insulation. It powered up OK, but I suspect the tape transport is dodgy - I couldn't get a video connection to the TV to check.

It's free to whoever wants to collect it from me in Bristol.

Friday 29th January 2010
9:13 pm U.K.

[email protected]


Joan Fuste
Sunday 31st January 2010
8:34 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Greetings from Spain!

I'm looking for a V2000 tape version of the movie "Blade Runner" (any edition, any language). Maybe interested in TWO tapes if available.

Please, make me know your offers to my email address and don't hesitate to visit my collector web site: http://www.mybladerunner.com

Thank you very much!Joan

John Foreman
Saturday 6th February 2010
4:05 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi all, I have a Philips V2000 type VCR in good condition & some 4 Hour(2 sided tapes) for sale. Any interested takers.


Saturday 6th February 2010
9:42 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi John, it will probably depend on where you are located. I would love a V2000 for my collection, but living in Sydney, Australia the shipping costs could be too high. Unless you live around here somewhere too!

Monday 8th February 2010
7:57 pm U.K.

[email protected]

hi john.i too may be interested in your v2ooo vcr, i live in uk north west area, not sure how far that is from you ,but please e-mail me with any prices details that you think i may be interested in,

Monday 8th February 2010
11:44 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Another trip down memory lane. Keep up the good work lads! Greetings, [email protected]

Miguel Ángel
Saturday 13th February 2010
11:50 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hello everyone.

My name is Miguel Angel and I'm from Seville(SPAIN)

I am looking for the movie BLADE RUNNER V2000 format.

If someone wants to sell or know of any website where the selling, please do not hesitate to contact me.

A greeting and thank you very much.

Sunday 14th February 2010
9:43 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi all,I have a Philips VR2840 stereo.But it not working.When i turn on,display is off but goes only capstan motor.Please,look this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7cG-nQ9kLs

Can you help me to repair that?THANKSPaolo

Friday 19th February 2010
1:57 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Anyone can help me about Philips vr2840 stereo?Thanks..

david sender
Saturday 13th March 2010
11:40 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Anyone interested in a servicing guide for Grundig 2x4 supers, i have used it alot over the years to keep my machines going, its been right handy. email me and i will send a copy

Steve Dellow
Thursday 8th April 2010
11:15 am U.K.

[email protected]

I have a Philips V2020 available for spares or repair (plus a couple of tapes).Seems to power up but no 'activity' when front panel buttons pushed.An old rental machine, I used it daily before being relegated to the loft when more modern machines became available.Anybody fancy giving it a new home?!Steve (Warwick, UK)

keith young
Friday 2nd July 2010
9:43 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hello. Does anyone have a V2000 in working order for sale, I live in Newcastle upon tyne, UK

Thursday 8th July 2010
2:11 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hallo iedereenIk ben in het bezit van een Grundig 2x4 recorder.en ben op zoek naar een verbindingskabel om de banden via de computer te digitaliseren, een z,g. av kabel met een ronde 6 polige stekker en dan een verloop naar 3x cinch(tulpstekker)is er iemand die mij deze kan leveren?uiteraard worden kosten vergoedgroeet van Joop

Thursday 8th July 2010
5:01 pm U.K.

[email protected]

If anyone is interested i found a v2000 service alignment tape on ebay theres a load of cassettes on there as well, maybe worth a look. Mike.

Ebay Item number: 120593508305

Wednesday 14th July 2010
11:36 am U.K.

[email protected]

H,I found Philips N1520 parts on ebay theres a load of VC60 cassettes on there as well, m worth a look. Mike. Ebay Item number: 120594684464

Tuesday 20th July 2010
7:18 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Does anyone have a Video 2000 machine in working order for sale. I live in Finland.

Sheilagh Stones
Monday 16th August 2010
9:58 am U.K.

[email protected]

I have a V2000 video recorder in very good condition, plus many tapes, for sale to a collector. Nottingham, England.

Monday 16th August 2010
9:48 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi, can anyone help me? I've got a quantity of 2000 tapes which I've had for 25yrs +. I used to have a camera and a player but they're long since deceased. I'd really like to find someone who would go through my tapes and put the content onto a modern format. Some of them will be full but most will only have a small amount of film on them. After succesfully swopping the format you can have the old tapes. If someone will make contact with me I'll get the tapes out and tell you exactly how many there are. Incidentally some of the tapes that I don't want copying have got British Superbikes on from the early 80s and also quite a lot of boxing.

George L.
Thursday 2nd September 2010
4:49 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have a Grundig 2000 2X4 and need to replace its broken up power pack (item code 27502-059-01)If someone knows how and where to find this part, please e-mail me.Thank you.George

Sunday 5th September 2010
2:35 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Found a Philips N1700 Video head on ebay if anyone is interested :Item number: 120617417626

Thursday 9th September 2010
6:24 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi,Am looking for good working a V2000 to buy, i live near Heathrow. also looking for any associated items for these machines you may have. Please get in touch. Thanks Gary

Saturday 11th September 2010
12:22 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Anyone know of a working N150x machine where I can get a tape transferred ?Thanks, Keith

Saturday 11th September 2010
9:46 pm U.K.

[email protected]

For N1500 tapes in the UK, try Colin McCormick - www.video99.co.uk

Gary Shepherd
Sunday 26th September 2010
3:00 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi. Owing to my father now moving into a nursing home i have acquired 6 V2000 recorders which are a mixture of Phillips and Grundig. They are a mixture of 2x4 and 2x8 machines. I honestly do not know if they are in working condition but knowing my father there is a good chance that they do although i have a feeling recording heads may be an issue. Outwardly they all look in excellent condition. I would like to sell these and am open to offers. I will provide any information you require and photographs if you would like them.I am sure they would at the very least be of use to someone who needs spare parts. I look forward to hearing from anyone interested

Monday 25th October 2010
5:59 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi there

Does anyone have any user manuals or service manuals for v2000 machines?

A photocopy or a PDF file would be fine.



Friday 29th October 2010
2:13 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi there

Am looking for a V2324 manual in particular if anyone has one.

Cheers, Matt

Saturday 30th October 2010
9:03 am U.K.

[email protected]

Am looking for some blank tapes too. (Not necessarily blank, but ones that can be recorded on)

Get in touch :)


Carl Brentnall
Monday 1st November 2010
8:14 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have a Grundig v2000 1600 2X4 Machine. Up until Recently It's been working fine. Now it starts to play then stops (i don't think the tape is getting took up). I have taken apart and found that the motor underneath is loose and wobbling from side to side Is this normal? I just presume it should have a little give in it. It's the motor thats connected to the arm at the top which switches from reel to reel.

Thursday 4th November 2010
2:54 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Does anyone know how to change the display from seconds to minutes on a VR2324?

Cheers, Matt

Monday 15th November 2010
9:06 pm U.K.

[email protected]


Looking for a good working order machine and maybe some tapes.

Get in touch if you can help, [email protected]

Thanks Gary

Tuesday 16th November 2010
10:57 am U.K.

[email protected]


I'm interested in byuing a video2000 player so I can transfer my old tapes to a computer. Is anynody in here in posession of such a player or know somebody who is?

Thanks upfront.

SorenCopenhagen, DK

Thursday 18th November 2010
2:47 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have for sale on ebay a V2000 (ex-rental) tape library with over 340 assorted titles, including thriller, horror, war, westerns, comedy, childrens, adult etc.

Also, six Grundig 2080 (2X8) VCRs for spares or repair.

Tuesday 30th November 2010
9:01 am U.K.

[email protected]

Message to anyone looking for help etc.There is a V2000 user site in Yahoo groups which may be useful if no success on PALsite.Steve.

Tuesday 30th November 2010
9:22 am U.K.

[email protected]

Message for anyone looking for help etc.There is a user site in Yahoo groups which may be useful if no success on PALsite.Steve.

Sunday 12th December 2010
1:22 pm U.K.

[email protected]

hido you have any old vhs or v2000 tapes that you no longer use or watch?if yes and you live in the wembley or brent area, please contact me because i collect old tapes...no time waters please.thanks.ps no pre-recorded tapes..cheers

Thursday 16th December 2010
6:52 am U.K.

[email protected]

I now have for sale on ebay six Grundig 2X4 Super VCRs, 2 working (but not perfect) others for repair/spares (inc 1 stereo model), remote controls, instruction book & service manuals, 34 used cassettes (inc head cleaner). All in one job lot.

Monday 17th January 2011
4:35 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi, does anyone know where I can source new pinch rollers for the Philips VR2840 ? At one time I remember an Amstrad VHS part was a compatible match for the earlier models of these 2nd generation machine but can't remember which one.

Thanks, Keith.

Saturday 22nd January 2011
1:33 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi to all!I found a Grunding 2x4 Super at the University junkyard so I took it with me.Some parts were missing so I've decided to disassemble it. If somebody of you needs the mechanics (without spindle motors) or the boards (expect front panel board) or the front panel (there is one "door" missing), I'll send you at the only cost of shipping.I live in north-eastern Italy (near Trieste).Sorry for my poor English.Regards,Diego

Steve Hayhurst
Monday 24th January 2011
1:54 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have a Grundig Super 2x4 Machine (Not Working) along with around 40 2x4 hr tapes (Grundig, Phillips, etc) Instruction manual, head cleaning system, leads, etc. The machine itself is complete and externally at least in excellent condition. I would like this to go to someone who would appreciate it and maybe make it work again! I will GIVE this FREE to anyone who will collect (or pay shipping costs). I am in Leeds, West yorkshire.e-Mail: [email protected] or Tel: 0113 225 1061

Monday 7th February 2011
6:45 pm U.K.

[email protected]

For anyone looking for a Grundig SVR4004 machine I spotted one on e-bay yesterday. Listed as ...Grundig Supervideo Vcr, Retro Tech That Weighs a Ton! (170600101500)


Thursday 24th February 2011
8:30 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Have Grundig 2x4 Super recorder (not working) for spares or repair, with add-on remote control. Also several used tapes with a total of 126 hours recording time available. Will separate R/C from machine if this item is required only. Any offers? Am situated five miles north of Derby in the East Midlands, UK. Telephone 05602 380876.

Friday 25th March 2011
8:06 am U.K.

[email protected]

Does anyone know anywhere in the UK that services or repairs V2000 machines?

Gary Clark
Friday 25th March 2011
10:57 pm U.K.

[email protected]


Just bought a fully working as new VR2022, have some tapes but these appear to have suffered from age, lines in middle of screen. Do anyof you have any good working tapes you would wish to sell.


Ray F.Edwards
Friday 1st April 2011
11:30 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hello Sir,I recommend http://groups.yahoo.com/group/v2000_vcr/ it took a few months before the group owner accepted me but there is LOTS of information,a chap called Colin at http://www.colin99.co.uk/ is VERY helpful & well respected,hth,Regards,Ray

Ray F.Edwards
Friday 1st April 2011
11:52 am U.K.

[email protected]

I can also commend a very nice chap in the Netherlands called Gerjon,Gerjon HofackerJan Steenstraat 207944TS MeppelNederlandhe Téléphone : 0031-628810928E-mail : [email protected] speaks English,his ebay stuff is here,http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/charly_rackslider/?_trksid=p4340.l2559

He told me that tape crinkling my tapes was 100% the pinch rollers that were at fault,told me the Panasonic one at £12.50 each,then said he would advise on his stock,he once bought 200 of them!He said his stock was low,I found some from Poland & advise hime of my find at only £1.00GBP each,I fitted these to my Philips VR2022 portables & GREAT NEWS...NO MORE TAPE DESTROY,I could not have achieved this without this GOOD MAN,Gerjon,website of the Polish site is http://www.cdlens.com/?site=shopThe pinch rollers I got were part number 20291 size 13x18x3 for the VR2022, & they fit my Grundig 2x4 super aswell,I did order 2 of the part number 20310 of 2.5 bore size,but when they came they were same bore size as others at 3.0 I also got 4 belts size 63x1.2x1.2 part number 20849,for my Grundig 2x4 Supers aswell,but have not fitted them yet,I may get a few more,but at the larger size of 2.0 square section,Hope this helps.

Ray F.Edwards
Friday 1st April 2011
12:05 pm U.K.

[email protected]

A slight correction to my post,the portable machines are Philips VR2220,& Pye 22VR20,another good site for photos & history is http://loreoutlet.dyndns.org/collsite/video/video.html if it is down for maintenance just check in another time.Regards,Ray

Sunday 3rd April 2011
9:18 pm U.K.

[email protected]


After a big clear-out today I was about to consign a Philips VR 2020 and 9 recordable BASF VCC450 2x4hr tapes plus head cleaner (and a couple of old photocopies of the Instruction Manual) to the recycling depot when I found this web-site. It is about 20 years since the recorder was last used - I think the only problem was mechanical when loading tapes.

I live in Sutherland - the Far North of Scotland so it is possible that carriage costs could outweigh its worth. But if anyone wants it and the tapes for spares for the cost of carriage let me know soon.

Would just be delighted if it was of some use to someone.

Sunday 10th April 2011
1:59 pm U.K.

[email protected]

If anyone is interested in buying my Grundig v2000 VCR plus 14 tapes, it is on E.Bay now until 8.45pm this evening, Sunday 10th April.It has also got the add on remote control feature (battery in remote is flat)Collect free from West Midlands area, or post for £25.00Current bid is £36.00+P&P, likely to go a bit higher, as loads of interest, over 3 dozen watchers at present, loads of questions & bidders.Was watching some nostalgic 1980's TV / adverts on it today!Look under my user name, "spqr.triumph" for this itemThanks

Friday 15th April 2011
1:54 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Has anybody got a grundig v2000, they wish to sell at reasonable price! hopefully in good working order as mine is not working, perhaps there is somebody out there that could fix mine? thank you, any replies to b. [email protected]

Saturday 30th April 2011
8:04 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi!I'm from Spain, Valencia/Costa Blanca region. I'm looking for a working (or possible to repair) unit of a V2000 unit. We had one at home when I was a child but, unfortunately, it got broken. I have many tapes which I'd like to convert to DVD (I hope they are still playable) from when I was a child. I see some units from time to time available on eBay. Unfortunately, vendors are all based on Germany and I can't seem to find any available from Spain.I'd like to contact with someone which would be willing to sell me one unit at a reasonable price (since shipping costs will be probably high). Also, as my area is highly populated with visitors from Germany or the UK during summer, maybe we could to the "operation" in person. I wouldn't mind taking my car to go to places like Benidorm, Alicante, Jávea, Calpe or Teulada to carry the unit.So please, if you are interested, contact me at the email provided.I'd also like to recommend you my page, chirimoyas.es, devoted to the cherimoya!<a href="http://www.chirimoyas.es" title="Chirimoya">Chirimoya</a>

Tuesday 24th May 2011
7:50 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hi all,I have some NEW Unopened BASF VCC480 tapes and a box of 12 new VCC 120 tapes (philips)and some LVC tapes(N1500 tapes) and a VR2020 Mail me if you want them.

Tuesday 24th May 2011
7:56 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hi all, I have some NEW unopend BASF VCC480, 12 Boxed VCC120(philips)and some LVC (1500) Tapes and a VR2020 (used) mail me if you are interested.J

Friday 3rd June 2011
12:23 pm U.K.

[email protected]

HelloI have 20 phillips 2000 system tapes 240, 360, 480, all have been used to record films etc with the last item being a Freddie Mercury tribute just after he died. they have been in a box in the loft ever since. Anyone interested?

Thursday 9th June 2011
2:06 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi I am new to the forum. I have been collecting films for about 20 years now. I have quite a few on vhs some on beta and some on v2000. Problem is I don't have a V2000 player. I live near Heathrow airport and am willing to travel a couple of hours away. Does anyone have a player for sale?Please email me.

Saturday 18th June 2011
7:57 am U.K.

[email protected]

We service and repair Philips VCR machines from the 1970's, have over 10 years experience, and a large collection of spare parts.

Over the last few years we have also auctioned many machines through Ebay and can provide you with the positive 100% feedback from all our customers.

If you have a VCR that needs a repair or service please get in touch, we give free quotations, work on a no fix no fee basis, and are based in the Midlands UK.

Please note the models we currently service are as follows:

N1500 N1501 N1460 N1502 N1512 N1700 N1702

Gary Clark
Sunday 17th July 2011
7:43 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi,I have a Phillips VR2022 for sale, the machine is in good condition and does everything it is meant to do except it shuts down after about 6mins of play or record, not sure what is wrong with it. I live in Salisbury but make the trip to London most days so am happy to meet or arrange delivery if on my route. I am looking for around £70.00 for the machine and maybe a few pounds toward delivery.I also have 13 tapes, these all play and have a lot of interesting shows on, the all work, are in reasonable condition and are stored in my spare bedroom. I am looking for around £ 30. 00 for the tapes and as above can deliver if on my route to work.Anyone interested?Give me a call on [email protected]


Tuesday 9th August 2011
9:22 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I need AV cable(round headed) to My Philips Video 2000 player

Simon B Kelly
Sunday 14th August 2011
3:02 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi, looking for somewhere around London where I get a Philips VR2020 serviced and repaired. Any suggestions?

Tuesday 23rd August 2011
9:29 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hello Everyone

Please can i appeal to all that reads these posts, if you have any old tapes with recordings on from the MID 70's (Probably on old phillips N1500 tape) Please check labels or if you have the equipment to play them, check for any recordings of Wew Faces, TX date 8th Febuary 1975, One of the acts on this show was Kenny Windsor (Comedian) and The winner was Dennis D'ell (Former lead singer of the honeycombs)Please get in touch should you by chance come accross any recordings you may have. I will convert any tapes found to DVD format free of charge and return the tape and DVD to you. If you do not have the particualr episode of new faces that im after, BUT you do have a recording i'd love to know about these aswell. Thanks for Reading. Lee 07790779792 or [email protected]

stephen brinkley
Wednesday 24th August 2011
3:28 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Can anyone transfer Phillips C60 video tapes to DVD they are about 38 years old

Thursday 25th August 2011
10:09 pm U.K.

[email protected]

C60 are audio tapes...

Friday 26th August 2011
3:41 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have just listed a few V2000 machines, a N1500, various tapes, IR remote kit and VR2020 service manual on Ebay.


Tuesday 30th August 2011
8:32 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hi everyonee,I'm on the lookout for a few used (or new!)V2000 tapes to try in my newly found machine.If anyone can help please can you email me at [email protected] Cheers,james

Sunday 25th September 2011
2:21 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have a number of used Philips VC Video Cassettes for use in the N1500 and N1700 VCR, Cassettes all contain old television recordings. Cassettes are in good used condition priced at £6.50 each plus postage costs. Please contact me for details . email [email protected]

Sunday 25th September 2011
2:26 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Philps V2000 VCR System Cassettes, Cassettes all contain old television recordings on both sides from the 80's. Cassettes are in good used condition priced at £2.50 each plus postage costs. Please contact me for details . Also A large box full of over 30 Pre Recorded V2000 Films priced at £2.50 each. email [email protected]

Richard Simmonds
Monday 26th September 2011
6:44 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hello, I'm interested in getting an N1700 VCR preferably with tapes

Monday 26th September 2011
6:52 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Philips N1700 VCR for sale . Fully serviced and working. With added Audio and video outputs as well as a very rare SVIDEO output socket fitted. Comes with a complete box full of used cassettes full of old television recordings. You can erase and reuse the cassettes if you wish. Offers please. I would consider posting the item if costs are paid for good packing . but would prefer collection to show machine working. email me at [email protected]

Wednesday 12th October 2011
2:52 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Philips N1501 VCR Video Cassette Recorder for sale Very Rare machine in good condition. Will need a set of belts and a full service. £399

Sunday 10th January 2016
4:39 pm U.K.

[email protected]

The V2000 chatpage is back, unfortunately recent posts have been lost.

Ross Willett
Wednesday 13th January 2016
8:18 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hello, I am looking for new prerecorded V2000 tapes to watch. Please let me know if you have any. Thanks.

Sunday 17th January 2016
6:04 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have four V2000 machines, all Philips, VR2020, VR2022 (x2) & a VR2023. The VR2023 used to work with the remote but I haven't tried any within 10 years. I also have sealed blank tapes. Is there any interest in these otherwise they're going to the recycling centre.

T Plaister
Monday 18th January 2016
11:56 am U.K.

[email protected]

JP Keiz

I would be interested in collecting if you live near Sheffield England.

Thanks Tom

Ross Willett
Monday 18th January 2016
1:13 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi JPKELZ, I have emailed you about the V2000 players. Thank You.

Sunday 14th February 2016
12:44 am U.K.

[email protected]

hi i'm looking for any v2000 machine dead or alive must have good heads

or a set of v2000 heads

thanks Simon

Sunday 14th February 2016
12:53 am U.K.

[email protected]

further to my previous post i have a vr2023 with damaged heads i would like to find a vr2023 working or not or any v200 machine

also any cassettes with 80's tv recordings on regards simon i can be contacted via email

[email protected]

Sunday 14th February 2016
12:55 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hi JPkelz

have you got any of the v2000 players left? as very interested

regards Simon

Friday 11th March 2016
12:30 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Correcting Grundig GRUNDIG 2x4 880. What size has CAPSTAN belt (No 147 / 39721-537.00)? What dimensions have pads Shims on the axis of the cylinder heads (No153/27120 -131.00) I do not want to break down and then have to wait for parts. Poorly I remembered how to fold.From the Czech Republic greets Vaclav .

andy peto
Sunday 20th March 2016
2:00 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Philips V2000 video recorder in working order plus loads of tapes some shop bought such as scarface, grease, the warriors, Inferno plus loads of blanks any offers?

Philip McKeown
Monday 21st March 2016
9:44 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Andy, what model of V2000 is it, and roughly how many tapes are available?



Thursday 24th March 2016
9:15 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I was, and I suppose I still am a great fan of the V2000 format which in my opinion was the best of the 3 domestic VCR formats. My research at the time lead me to conclude that the Grundig V2000 2x4 Super was the machine of choice. Years passed and eventually my machine stopped working. I tried to repair it and in the process acquired 3 further machines in the hope of getting a working macine out of the 4. Anyway I'm moving house and need to get rid of the machines and tapes. I would be quite happy to give them away. You would have to collect from Wakefield. There are about 25 V2000 tapes, (and 7 S-VHS tapes) if anyone is interested.

I can be contacted at

[email protected]

Saturday 2nd April 2016
1:39 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Just an update to let everyone know that the machines and tapes have now gone to a new home!

Stephen Brinkley
Friday 15th April 2016
9:00 am U.K.

[email protected]

Hi if you bought any Philips V2000 VCR pre recorded tapes of Martin Potter can you let me know, I am interested in buying them, hope you can help, thanks, Steve

Sunday 17th April 2016
6:48 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hi there sorry I have not got back to those of you who have shown an Interest In the v200 and video tapes I have I will have sometime this weekend and will post exactly what model the player Is and a list of the v200 movies I have

Friday 13th May 2016
2:48 pm U.K.

[email protected]

I have a PYE 20VR20 for spares or repair. The machine powers up and seems to operate but I have not hooked it up to a tv. It has been kept in a garage and there is some dust ingress and there is some corrosion to the heads. Comes with a operating instructions booklet, a used Philips VCC360 (2x3hr) tape and power lead. Contact me for further information and or pictures on [email protected]

Sunday 5th June 2016
2:16 pm U.K.

[email protected]

Hello - my Dad has a VR2022 and a large number of tapes which he would like to convert to dvd or ideally to computer files for safekeeping (old family videos, etc) - the number of tapes he has means it would unfortunately be very costly to send the tapes to a company to do it. Therefore I am wondering if anyone knows of any companies which sell the kit required to convert the tapes.


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