January - April 1999
This site has been under development since January 1999. At launch we have been able to include the 5, 7 and 9 series VTRs. We hope that more will follow.
May 1999
VO-2630 pages added.
June 1999
A new U-matic Lore article.
November 1999
Added BVE-910 edit controller BVT-500, BVT-810, BVT-2000 time base correctors.
December 1999
BVU-800 pages added.
January 2000
U-matic PALsite relocated to new server provided by 2020Media and "Supported by LRC" tags added.
March 2001
New U-matic lore article Learning on old 'uns
The URL of the Umatic Chat Page has changed to http://www.palsite.com/chat_page.py?site=U-Matic
January 2002
"Supported by LRC" tags removed.
July 2024
Improvements to make the site more responsive and compatible with mobile devices.
September 2024
More improvements to make the site more responsive and compatible with mobile devices.